All over the world every one in ten patients of dental problems suffer from dental sepsis and if such patients are not treated wisely the disease can become fatal too. So do we all know what really is Dental sepsis ? Today we are going to talk about that in this article . 

What is Dental sepsis ?

Dental infections which occur can be due to periodontal reasons or endodontic reasons. If it happens endodontically it can cause the infection of pulp . Pulp consists of blood vessels and connective tissue. The bacterias  because of this infection comes out of the tooth and can infect other areas like bones or tissues below the tooth or can infect the blood causing sepsis. Sepsis is thus the deadly response of the body against any infection. According to the stats, one third of people who develop sepsis die or are left with life changing problems like organ dysfunction , chronic pain or amputations.thus it kills so many people if not monitored early and treated properly. 

How Sepsis can occur in dental practice ?

In normal procedures of the dentists like scaling, fillings or root canals , bleeding can occur and this can lead to opening in which bacteria can enter the other parts of the body leading to infection in the blood. However, people who are at high risk of sepsis like heart patients or patients with artificial limbs or immunocompromised ones are being given prophylactic antibiotics before dental treatment to prevent sepsis. 

Procedures in which there is a risk of sepsis are as follows:

Tooth Extractions: extracting tooth causes a lot of bleeding and if it is highly infected it can lead to bacterial contamination and can make an entry to the body leading to sepsis. So working properly and maintaining clinical hygiene can prevent such diseases . 

Tooth fillings and root canals: similarly fillings and endodontic treatment can also lead to such mishaps in which the bacteria from the infected tooth can enter into the body by other routes and can lead to sepsis. 

How to prevent sepsis ?

So to prevent sepsis from happening various measures need to be taken which involve proper handling techniques of the instruments so that any mechanical injury is prevented . Hygiene should be maintained by the dentists near the working area in the mouth , suction tips, gauge pieces should be used to absorb the bleeding and keep the infection risk minimal. Prophylactic antibiotic should be given priorly to the patients with immunocompromised states.

So, Today’s dental is here to provide you more info on dental sepsis . So, please contact us for any query and for appointments. We will be very happy to help you and your family in maintaining a healthy mouth. 

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